Advanced Email Monitoring

Advanced Email Monitoring

If you have concerns about the email activities of a child or spouse
Latest version 3.5
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Advanced Email Monitoring 3.5 review

Editor rating
4 / 5
File size
368 KB
Review date
24 october 2003
     Advanced Email Monitoring keeps you up-to-date on what your employees, Children and spouse are doing on the computer. It is an email monitoring software and surveillance tool designed for individuals and businesses.
     Advanced Email Monitoring has some unique features for example, the software is bypass of personal firewall software like Zone Alarm, Norton Personal Firewall and other similar software. It also has full control of outgoing emails which means you have complete control of all outgoing SMTP-based emails from monitored computer. Advanced Email Monitoring blacklist option allows you to set flexible rules for outgoing emails of monitored computers. This feature is very appropriate for small businesses, which do not have their own dedicated email server.
     This is software is very easy to install and use. Also whether you are at another computer or in another country, Advanced Email Monitoring sends the information to your email account within seconds.